Colour and Meaning. Art, Science and Symbolism John Gage

Colour and Meaning. Art, Science and Symbolism - John Gage
Автор: Gage John
Издательство: Thames&Hudson, 2006 г.
Жанр: Дизайн и др.
Научный редактор: Тейбе Савастей Владимирович
Главный художник: Чебелев Михей Абрамович
Корректор: Фисюк Вениамин Евдокимович
Объем: 531
Формат: txt, fb2, pdf

Аннотация "Colour and Meaning. Art, Science and Symbolism"
Is colour just a physiological phenomenon? Does it affect feelings? The author argues that the meaning of colour is in its historical context. The essays consider the history of colour, symbolism, the techniques used for design, and psychology. Читать электронную книгу Colour and Meaning. Art, Science and Symbolism John Gage.

  • Colour and Meaning. Art, Science and Symbolism John Gage

  • Colour and Meaning. Art, Science and Symbolism John Gage
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