Phonics Bumper Book. Ages 3-5 Carol Medcalf

Phonics Bumper Book. Ages 3-5 - Carol Medcalf
Автор: Medcalf Carol
Художник: Tulip Jenny
Издательство: Harper Collins UK, 2018 г.
Серия: Collins Easy Learning
Научный редактор: Сульповар Созонт Александрович
Верстка: Краснонос Нестор Бориславич
Оформитель: Легуров Клим Венедиктович
Страниц: 262
Формат: txt, fb2, pdf

Аннотация к книге "Phonics Bumper Book. Ages 3-5"
An engaging Phonics activity bumper book to really help boost your child's progress at every stage of their learning! Fully in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage, this English book provides reassurance whilst supporting your child's learning at home. Combining useful English practice with engaging, colourful illustrations, this Phonics bumper book helps to boost your child's confidence and develop good learning habits for life. Each fun activity is designed to give your child a real sense of achievement. Included in this book:
- questions that allow children to practice the important skills learned at school.
- colourful activities that make learning fun and motivate children to learn at home.
- helpful tips and answers so that you can support your child's learning. Книга онлайн Phonics Bumper Book. Ages 3-5 Carol Medcalf.

  • Phonics Bumper Book. Ages 3-5 Carol Medcalf

  • Phonics Bumper Book. Ages 3-5 Carol Medcalf
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